The Daily Health Conference is a fictional non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting health and wellness, that wants to offer more value to its members by launching a series of digital wellness apps. They tasked us with creating a wellness app to help users adopt and commit to healthier lifestyles: Reducing sugar intake is a challenge so many people face, but few tools truly help with that process.
UX/UI Designer
2 UX/UI Designers
Date, duration
2025 January, 2 weeks
Figma, Figjam, Notion, Google Forms
We conducted interviews remotely with 8 participants and analysed a survey with 50 volunteers. We identified key insights that helped us better understand the needs of health-conscious persons:
It is not a good-bye: 82% would like to reduce their sugar consumption, but without quitting completely
Craving is the challenge: 72% find craving to be the most difficult factor when trying to reduce sugar intake
Overall health improvement is the main motivation for 82% of the survey participants
We categorized the gathered data with the Affinity diagram and we decided to put the focus of our project on help and motivation.
Based on the user research, our next task was to create a Persona representing our interviewees‘ needs, goals and observed behavioural patterns. Yasmin works as an account manager with a demanding schedule, often relying on sugary snacks during her breaks to stay energized. Lately she is experiencing stomach discomfort, irregular digestion and struggles with occasional skin breakouts.
User Journey
Her doctor suggested she reduce sugary foods to improve her gut and skin health, so she started a New Year's resolution. However, once she was back at work, she couldn’t resist her cravings and fell back into her old habits of snacking sweets.
Writing about her journey led us to understand her better and made us think about opportunities on how we could help her reach her goal; to maintain her commitment to reduce sugar consumption. We defined the problem statement to reflect the challenges:
At a bare minimum, users should be able to define their sugar reduction goals, learn about their progress and remain motivated. When necessary, users should be helped with their cravings. They can further encourage themselves with given challenges they can do either by themselves, or with accountability partners. (I’ll refer to them as “buddies”.)
User flow
Creating the sitemap and user flow was challenging as we struggled to condense all our ideas. Concept testing revealed the prototype felt overwhelming, so we simplified the design. With guidance from our instructor, we eventually created two clear user flows, the first one guides the user through a buddy selection, the second one is about the daily questionnaire and how the user chooses a challenge for their buddy.
Once all frames were done in mid-fidelity, we ran a couple of Usability testing together with Moodboard testing, so we applied all feedback in the same iteration. As the buddy selection in our app happens in a playful, gamified manner and there are specific swiping gestures involved with it, we focused on applying the feedback related to that interaction.
Style tile
We wanted to emphasize optimism while keeping an eye on health and kindness, so we based our palette on greens and pink. Our sans-serif typefaces are playful but clean, with the kinds of details you might expect to see when the letter is built up with a brush.
Teamwork: Looking back, I don’t think we had big challenges and the issues we faced in the moment were temporary.
MVP: We simplified our ideas and functionality, keeping the experience simpler and more cohesive. We found an unfulfilled, underserved gap on the market and I believe we came up with something viable during this 2-week sprint.
Next iteration: As the truth about sugar is not so simple, we would like to improve the overall knowledge about sugar with tips and informative articles.